Events and Awards
The New School spring courses Writers Gym and Exploring Creative Writing
2/10: reading of FAULT LINE at Ensemble Studio Theatre Playwrights Unit
Ongoing: Magnet Theatre improvisation
Elected to Members Council of Ensemble Studio Theatre
La Mama artistic staff: meet to confirm production of OKLAHOMA SAMOVAR in December 2025.
March 27-30 AWP Writers Conference in LA. Moderate panel on Cancer and Creativity: Turning personal challenges into plays
IN THE CERVIX OF OTHERS, workshop/invited reading; directed by Maria Mazor, presented by The Tank, NYC, Jan 2024
THE YEAR MY MOTHER CAME BACK: Louise monologue in Best Women's Stage Monologues 2024 published by Smith & Kraus
OKLAHOMA SAMOVAR (excerpt) reading, presented by the Jewish Theatre Circle at the 14th St Y, NYC, Mar 2024
HANNAH AND THE HOLLOW CHALLAH, presented by PLAYground Festival of Fresh Works, Northwestern U, Evanston, IL, April 2024
HOTEL LIMBO, finalist, The Civilians R&D Group
In the Cervix of Others workshop dir by Cady McClain, Axial Theatre, Pleasantville, NY, 9/6/24
Hannah and the Hollow Challah, reading at Playwrights Unit, Ensemble Studio Theatre
OKLAHOMA SAMOVAR scene, directed by Eliana, Jewish Theatre Circle event, 14th St Y
VCCA artist residency, June 20- July
July 3 VCCA reading Alice, Erica, Bobby (open studio), (I read excerpt Hannah and the Hollow Challah)
August: DAYS OF AWE wins of OOF! 10 min play contest. Performance at Berkshire Theatre Group, Pittsfield, MA
9/7: IN THE CERVIX OF OTHERS, staged reading directed by Cady McClain, Axial Theatre, Pleasantville, NY
9/15: Record role in horror drama podcast "You Are the Ghost in This House"
10/10: DAYS OF AWE reading at 14th St Y, Jewish Theatre Circle
HANNAH AND THE HOLLOW CHALLAH semifinalist for National Jewish Playwriting Contest
Playwriting and Creative Writing courses and mentoring
The New School: Mentor Tea Wolk on her thesis play INSURANCE
Teach two courses in spring and 1 course in fall semester.
March - April: JCC, teach playwriting workshop
Augsburg University MFA Program, mentor two students: Emily Emerson and Alex Gray
JCC Manhattan
83rd St Safe Haven; writing workshop for safe haven shelter residents. Workshops every other Friday.
10/19: teach MFA workshop at The New School, "Clementine Variations" 2-4pm
Jan: HOTEL LIMBO presented by Plays for Us reading series at Axis Theatre, NYC
Feb: THE YEAR MY MOTHER CAME BACK produced in Victoria, Canada, by Bema Productions
April: HOTEL LIMBO, Semifinalist, 2023 Premiere Play Festival, Premiere Stages At Kean University
May: THE YEAR MY MOTHER CAME BACK presented by Interplay Jewish Theatre at Dobama Theatre, Cleveland, OH
July: IN THE CERVIX OF OTHERS excerpt (Pandora monologue) performed at Project Y's Women In Theatre Festival
July: HOTEL LIMBO workshop at Alchemical Studios, presented by University of California Irvine & Practical Cats Productions
Aug: THE ABORTION DOCTOR WHO SAVED OUR LIVES (short solo play) presented by The Neo-Political Cowgirls' 7th Annual Andromeda's Sisters Arts and Advocacy Garden Gala in East Hampton, NY.
Sept: Princeton University panelist, 50th anniversary of Program in Theatre event
Oct: HOTEL LIMBO, New York Theatre Workshop, reading/workshop Mondays @ 3 series
Dec: DAYS OF AWE (excerpt) performed by Axial Theatre, Pleasantville, NY
The New School
Undergrad courses: Exploring Creative Writing, Writers Gym.
MFA Creative Writing Program workshop: "Playwriting for Prose Writers and Poets"
Augsburg University Creative Writing MFA Program
MFA mentoring, thesis advising, Augsburg University Creative Writing MFA Program
Sacramento State University
Guest Artist: Women & Theatre: Staging Diversity. Discussion of IN THE CERVIX OF OTHERS
Jan 17, Hotel Limbo (a new play in progress) reading by The Actors Center, online.
Feb 17, 7pm, Mrs. Satan & The Nasty Woman, reading by The Actors Center Plays for Us Reading Series at Pictor Gallery, 547 West 27th Street, Ste. 204, NYC
May 1 & 2, 7pm What I Thought I Knew staged reading presented by Interplay Theatre, at the Dobama Theatre, Cleveland, OH
May 25 - Jun 9, VCCA Fellowship, artist residency, Amherst, VA
June: In the Cervix of Others, an official selection of the 2022 Women Playwrights International Conference Montréal
July: Guest speaker, Augsburg University MFA Program, Minneapolis
July to November: Featured artist, The Orchard Project Audio Lab 2022: HOTEL LIMBO, play selected for adaptation as scripted fiction podcast
Nov 11 and 12: Oklahoma Samovar presented by Jewish Theatre of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK: Workshop production
Nov 30: OKLAHOMA SAMOVAR, winner of the 2021 National Jewish Playwrighting Contest: rehearsed reading on 11/30 @7pm, JCC Manhattan Amsterdam Ave and 76th St. Free with reservation: Click here for reservations:
Nov: Princeton University, Panelist, "MASTER STORYTELLERS" panel, Theatre Intime centennial celebration
What I Thought I Knew excerpt published in The Best Men's Stage Monologues 2022,Smith & Kraus
Days of Awe excerpt published in The Best Women's Stage Monologues 2022, Smith & Kraus
The New School, spring 2022 sabbatical
Fall 2022 Exploring Creative Writing, undergraduate course
MFA mentoring, thesis advising, Augsburg University Creative Writing MFA Program
Nov 1: 4 monologues from THIN WALLS published by Applause Theatre Books in "She Persisted: 100 monologues by women playwrights over 40"
Oct 30 2021 Artie Award (Buffalo, NY) for Outstanding Leading Actress in a Play in WHAT I THOUGHT I KNEW at Jewish Repertory Theatre of Western NY
October 30: Guest artist, Ithaca College. Judge for NEW PLAY INCUBATOR playwriting contest
June 24, OKLAHOMA SAMOVAR wins 10th Annual National Jewish Playwriting Contest!!! Jewish Plays Project will present workshop production in NYC in 2021-22 season.
May 4: Oklahoma Samovar wins Silicon Valley Jewish Playwriting Contest
April: Oklahoma Samovar wins Midwest Jewish Playwriting Contest.
Feb 1-21, 2021 - THE YEAR MY MOTHER CAME BACK (new full-length play) produced as a filmed staged reading, by Jewish Repertory Theatre of Western New York
Spring: OKLAHOMA SAMOVAR, finalist, National Jewish Playwriting Contest of the Jewish Plays Project. Filmed excerpt of play produced by JPP for virtual contest tour.
What I Thought I Knew monologue published in THE BEST WOMEN'S MONOLOGUES FROM NEW PLAYS 2020, by Applause Theatre Books.
March 27: THIN WALLS monologue reading, Liberty's Daughters, a program of Nuyorican Poets Cafe.
Play-in-progress: HOTEL LIMBO
Playwrights Unit of Ensemble Studio Theatre: readings of Hotel Limbo, The Year My Mother Came Back
Teaching, workshops, panels, 2021
Augsburg University Creative Writing MFA Program: MFA Mentor, playwriting and screenwriting
The New School Creative Writing Program courses: Playwriting from Personal Experience, Writers Gym, Exploring Creative Writing
The New School, elected member of the Part Time Faculty Union Bargaining Committee (new contract signed Dec 2022)
Augsburg University MFA Creative Writing Program: playwriting and screenwriting mentor
Princeton University panel: TheatreMakers, a conversation with Alice Eve Cohen & Kate Mendeloff
Augsburg University MFA panel: writing across genres
Writing workshop, AMCP, Actors Master Class Project
Princeton Women's Network Artists Group
Teaching, Jan - Dec 2020
Creative Writing Program, The New School, undergraduate playwriting and creative writing courses
MFA playwriting mentor, Augsburg University low-residency Creative Writing Program
Jan 29: IN THE CERVIX OF OTHERS, The Actors Center "Plays for Us" reading series at Pleiades Art Gallery
Feb 6 - Mar 1 WHAT I THOUGHT I KNEW, produced by Jewish Repertory Theatre of Western NY, in Buffalo. Directed by Saul Elkin, starring Josie DiVincenzo. Cohen guest artist at opening night talkback.
Feb: "In the Cervix of Others" selected as featured part of official program of the 12th Women Playwrights International Conference, Montreal 2022
Mar 2 - American Opera Projects workshop of "Revolution Begins in the Bedroom," the opening aria from opera version of MRS. SATAN & THE NASTY WOMAN: libretto by Cohen, music by Tony Solitro. Sung by mezzo Augusta Caso.
Mar 4-7 (postponed till AWP21) AWP20 Conference, San Antonio, TX; moderator/organizer EXTREME MOTHERHOOD panel w/ Marie Myung-Ok Lee, Julie Metz, Gayle Brandeis, Doreen Oliver
Mar 13 - NYC pandemic stay-at-home order begins. Last day of in-person courses at The New School. Theatres closed.
Mar 30 - First reading OKLAHOMA SAMOVAR (revised) EST Playwrights Unit
Apr 9 - GARDEN OF EDEN, Coronavirus Plays, One Minute Play Festival, premiere on Zoom
Apr 27 - DAYS OF AWE, first reading, 1-act play, EST Playwrights Unit
Jan - May: ALL HER POWER: Collaboration with students of Princeton Univ Theatre Program, project celebrating 50th anniversary of Coeducation at Princeton; theatre works based on interviews with 7 early Princeton alumnae, including Alice Eve Cohen.
May 12 (postponed) Mrs Satan and the Nasty Woman, part of EST Memberfest
May 15: Receives Distinguished Teaching Award 2020, The New School's highest award for faculty.
May 15 - Receives Certificate in TESOL (Teaching English to Students of Other Languages) from The New School
May 17 - IN THE CERVIX OF OTHERS selected to be featured as a part of the official program of the 12th WOMEN PLAYWRIGHTS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE that will take place in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 18th to June 23rd, 2022
May 25 - 1st reading of LYDIA ONCE REMOVED (10 min play) Ensemble Studio Theatre Playwrights Unit
May 29 (cancelled) anticipated American Opera Projects performance of "Revolution Begins in the Bedroom," the opening aria from opera version of MRS. SATAN & THE NASTY WOMAN: libretto by Cohen, music by Tony Solitro.
June: Semi-finalist, National Playwrights Conference, "In the Cervix of Others"
June 23, Monologue from "Oklahoma Samovar" on Liberty's Daughters, Nuyorican Poets Cafe reading
June - Aug, MFA playwriting mentor, Augsburg University Creative Writing MFA Program, summer session
July 21 - Conceive & moderate playwriting panel: "Looking to the Past to Shed Light on the Present."
Panel of playwrights who address contemporary issues by visiting past events: by juxtaposing different time periods in the same play, and by tackling historical subjects to reveal something new about the present.
Panelists: James Scruggs, Juliette Carrillo, Judy Tate, Saviana Stanescu, . Moderated by Alice Eve Cohen. Presented by Augsburg University MFA program.
Aug: Semi-finalist, New Opera Workshop (Mass Opera and Opera Hub) for "Mrs. Satan & The Nasty Woman"
Aug: Artie Award (Buffalo, NY) nomination, best actress, in What I Thought I Knew (JRT production)
Aug: Became member of Upper West Side Open Hearts Initiative, a group advocating for the rights of our houseless neighbors.
Sept 10: MRS. SATAN & THE NASTY WOMAN, reading, Philadelphia Women's Theatre Festival
Sept 1- Dec 9 Teaching: MFA mentor, playwriting and Nonfiction, Augsburg University MFA Program.
Sept 26 - Op-Ed published in NY Daily News: "My homeless hotel neighbors: what it's like living in the Hotel Belleclaire"
Sept 26 - Solo Theatre Master Class, at The Acting Master Class Project
Sept to Nov: "Revolution Begins in the Bedroom," opening aria from opera-in-progress, MRS. SATAN & THE NASTY WOMAN. Libretto by Cohen, music by Tony Solitro, sung by mezzo Eve Gigliotti. Produced by American Opera Projects for their virtual tour of WORKING WOMEN: SONGS OF SUFFERING AND SUFFRAGE.
Oct: ALL HER POWER film produced by Princeton University, created by students and alumnae; Cohen is one of 7 featured alumnae in film celebrating the centennial of co-education at Princeton.
Dec 2019 Became a life-time member of Ensemble Studio Theatre
Nov 24, "Sunday Arrival" published in New York Times Metropolitan Diary
Sept 21: "The Abortion Doctor Who Saved Our Lives" (one-act) at Primary Stages ESPA fundraiser Detention #48: Our Bodies Our Choice
Aug 8-10: Jane Chambers Award and staged reading of IN THE CERVIX OF OTHERS, at the ATHE (Association for Theatre in Higher Education) Conference, Orlando FL
2019-2020 WOMEN WHO DARE: A program of 3 subversive one-act plays about Women's Suffrage: MRS. SATAN & THE NASTY WOMAN, by Alice Eve Cohen, DON'T/DREAM, by Saviana Stanescu, and THE PARLOUR, by Judy Tate. Available for programming nationwide.
July-August, VCCA Fellowship, 2 week residency
April 8, Reading IN THE CERVIX OF OTHERS at Ensemble Studio Theatre Playwrights Unit
March 29, AWP Conference, Panel moderator/organizer, EXTREME EXPOSURE: GOING PUBLIC WITH DEEPLY PERSONAL STORIES: panelists Nancy Hightower, Alison Kinney, Julie Metz, Doreen Oliver
Distinguished University Teaching Award nominee, The New School
Jan-June, Playwriting from Personal Experience, undergraduate course at The New School Creative Writing Program.
Semi-finalist, O'Neill National Playwrights Conference 2019
Finalist, Kennedy Center, American Opera Initiative, Librettist commission 2019
Judging/Reading committee for 2019 Bridge Award playwriting contest, AITIF (Arts In The Armed Service)
Nov 8-12 Guest writer, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN/The Residential College. Teaching residency, writing and theatre courses. Speak with students of "Mothers & Daughters" course, where Cohen's memoir, THE YEAR MY MOTHER CAME BACK, is on the syllabus. Acting students present reading of MRS. SATAN & THE NASTY WOMAN.
Nov 6: Guest writer, PACE UNIVERSITY. Cohen's play, MRS. SATAN & THE NASTY WOMAN, on syllabus in Catalina Florina Florescu's course, WOMEN IN LIT: THEATRE OF RESISTANCE. Alice speaks to the class on Election Day.
Oct-Nov: Canvas door-to-door and write postcards to get out the vote, with:
The Broad Room, Postcards for Voters, Downtown Nasty Women, The PerSisters.
Oct 4-6: SHE ROARS, celebration of women at Princeton University. Perform excerpt of WHAT I THOUGHT I KNEW at the Lewis Center for the Arts; Initiate and organize conference session - "SUCCESS WITHOUT FAME OR FORTUNE: A NEW PARADIGM" - attended by 400 women.
Sep 24: Reading at Ensemble Studio Theatre Playwrights Unit, WHAT I THOUGHT I KNEW screenplay
Aug-Dec: Teach fall courses at The New School's Creative Writing Program:
2018-19: 20th year on the faculty of The New School
Aug 1-28: Minnesota Jewish Theatre Company (St. Paul, MN) produces WHAT I THOUGHT I KNEW, performed by Kim Kivens, directed by Jennie Ward, to rave reviews.
July: Teaching artist, Symphony Space, Book Club Camp
June: TESOL (a.k.a. ESL) training intensive for faculty at The New School
(TESOL: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
May: promoted to Part-Time Associate Teaching Professor at The New School
April: Membership in Ensemble Studio Theatre's PLAYWRIGHTS UNIT
Feb-April: Judging Committee for the Bridge Award, the first annual Playwriting Contest, open to veterans and members of the Armed Services, a project of AITAF (Arts in the Armed Forces) a project of actor Adam Driver
The New School, Creative Writing Program
Jan-May: Playwriting from Personal Experience, at The New School, undergraduate Creative Writing Program
Jan: Received commission from Kitchen Theatre Company to write a 15 minute play for theatre festival about suffrage movement in New York State. To be produced at The Hangar Theatre in Ithaca, NY
Ongoing: HOPE AND FEAR PROJECT: Record interviews of individuals about the new president.
Jan 30: playwright/participant ARUNY, Artists Rise Up NY, first public performance at La Mama, in NYC. Artist group formed to protest the presidential election.
February 8-11, Panelist, AWP17 in DC (Associated Writers and Writing Programs) Conference. Very excited to be on these two panels, with these wonderful authors!
Moderator: "Can You Go Home Again?" with Gayle Brandeis, Julie Metz, and Christa Parravani.
Panelist: "Juggling from Within: The Art of Voice" with Helen Peppe, David Mura, Alice Eve Cohen, Sue William Silverman, and Suzanne Strempek Shea.
April 18: WRITER'S GYM Teacher Writing Workshop for the English faculty at LREI (Little Red School House & Elizabeth Irwin HS)
April-May: WRITER'S GYM - writing workshop series for high school students, at The Hudson Guild, in NYC (volunteer)
May 5, 7pm VoiceOver: Alice's screenplay WHAT I THOUGHT I KNEW, adapted from her memoir, is a selection of the annual screenwriting series, produced by The School of Media Studies, The New School. Free and open to the public. Theresa Lang Community and Student Center, The New School, 55 W 13th St, New York, NY 10011
May 15, Alice receives Screenwriting Certificate from School of Media Studies, The New School
May 16 & 17, premiere of Alice's new one-act play MRS. SATAN & THE NASTY WOMAN - - a time-traveling history play about Victoria Woodhull, the first woman to run for president (in 1872), and Hillary Clinton - - at The Kitchen Theatre in Ithaca, NY. Festival of plays about Suffrage movement in NY State.
June 26-July 7: VCCA fellowship. Arts retreat at Virginia Center for Creative Arts.
Fall 2017: teach at The New School, Creative Writing Program: PLAYWRITING FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE and WRITERS GYM
Spring 2018: Teach at The New School, Creative Writing Program: PLAYWRITING FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE
Jan-May 2016, Playwriting course, The New School, Wed, 8-10PM
February 19-20, Guest author, faculty, Desert Nights Creative Writing Conference in, Tempe, Arizona. Alice will teach 3 workshops: "Writing With All Five Senses," "One Story, Two Points of View: Writing from Multiple Perspectives," and "Writing Monologue: How Language Defines Character."
March 2016, Book Publication:"What I Thought I Knew and Other Plays by Alice Eve Cohen" by NoPassport Press. First published collection of 4 solo plays: What I Thought I Knew (adapted from her memoir), "Thin Walls," "Jessica's Cervix" and "The Play That Knows What You Want."
March 15, Raritan Valley Arts presents Alice Eve Cohen & Ilene Beckerman-- a literary conversation
Mar 30-Apr 2, AWP Conference, LA. Presenter: Panel on the Ethics of Writing about Family.
April 12: "When the Moon Fit in My Window" essay published in anthology, "The House That Made Me: Writers Reflect on the Places and People that Defined Them" published by SparkPress
May 10: Reading at Powerhouse Arena, Brooklyn (DUMBO)
Aug 1-15: Fellowship at VCCA (Virginia Center for Creative Arts) artist residency
Aug 31-Dec 14: Course offerings: PLAYWRITING FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE and WRITERS GYM at The New School, Wednesday nights
October 25, THIN WALLS performance at RVCC Theatre (Raritan Valley, NJ)
EVENTS 2015 / readings, performances, interviews
MARCH 31: THE YEAR MY MOTHER CAME BACK is published!. Hardcover (Algonquin Books), audiobook (Highbridge/ Recorded books), eBook (Kindle, Nook)
March 31, 6pm; BOOK LAUNCH, The Corner Bookstore, NYC
Wed, April 8, 10:00am, "A Touch of Grey" radio show live interview
Wed, April 8, 6:00pm, "The Michael Dresser Show" radio show live interview
Fri, April 10, 4:30pm "Reading with Robin" radio show. Interview and giveaway of 2-3 copies of book to listeners. Show airs on AM 790 and I Heart Radio
April 27, 6:30 The New School Nonfiction Forum: Reading by Alice Eve Cohen moderated by Laura Cronk, assoc dir Writing Program, 66 W 12 St, room 510.
Sat, May 2, 5pm, The Golden Notebook (bookstore), Woodstock, NY
Thu, May 2, 7am - 3:30pm Radio Satellite Tour, interviews on programs in 16 cities across the United States
Fr, May 8, 7pm, Sachem Public Library, Holbrook, NY
Sat, May 15, Gaithersburg Book Festival, Gaithersburg, MD
Tues, May 26, 4-6pm Jewish Book Council, meet the author event, NYC
Wed, May 27, 7pm, McNally Jackson bookstore, 52 Prince St, NYC
Abigail Thomas, Alice Eve Cohen, and Melissa Cistaro read from their new memoirs
JUNE 10-28 - Alice performs her solo show THIN WALLS at The Kitchen Theatre, Ithaca, NY. Directed by Rachel Lampert, artistic director of The Kitchen Theatre
June 18, 5pm, Buffalo Street Books, Ithaca NY
August 3, 7pm; Alice Hoffman and Alice Eve Cohen, Jewish Week Literary event. Reading, conversation, signing, Rodeph Shalom, NYC
Sept 17-22, Artist in Residence, University of Michigan: Performance of THIN WALLS, theatre and writing classes.
Sept-Dec 2015, Wed nights: Alice teaches at The New School: WRITERS GYM (6pm) and PLAYWRITING FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE (8pm)
Dec 15, Tues, 8pm, National Arts Club, 15 Gramercy Park S., NY, NY 10003
EVENTS, 2014
Spring 2014: Playwriting from Personal Experience
Fall 2014: Writers Gym, multi-genre creative writing course
Fall 2014: Playwriting from Personal Experience
Performance & Readings
May, 2014, Reading at Judson Church - reproductive rights advocacy event
July 2014, Performance residency, Kehoe Theatre, Amherst MA, WHAT I THOUGHT I KNEW
EVENTS, 2013
Fall semester: Playwriting and Solo Theater courses, The New School for Public Engagement
New book, in-progress, to be published by Algonquin Books (date TBA)
June 12-30, 2013 - Solo show, WHAT I THOUGHT I KNEW, three-week mainstage production at The Kitchen Theatre, Ithaca, NY
May 18, 2013 - Performance of WHAT I THOUGHT I KNEW at Hudson Opera House, Hudson, NY
March, 2013 - Solo Performances of "WHAT I THOUGHT I KNEW", Raritan Valley Community College
May: Guest author, Mayflower Inn and Spa
May: Writer in Residence, Frank McCourt High School, NYC
Sept: WHAT I THOUGHT I KNEW, premieres @Cherry Lane Theatre. All For One Festival of Solo Theatre.
Summer: Rehearsals for WHAT I THOUGHT I KNEW, directed by Elizabeth Margid
October: book contract, for new memoir-in-progress - Algonquin Books
EVENTS, 2011
Jan-May, Playwriting from Personal Experience - course at The New School for Public Engagement
Jan 22-24, The Mayflower Inn & Spa, Washington, CT - three-day memoir workshop
November, 2011,UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, guest artist, Readings, performances, and workshops with Writing and Theatre Departments.
Fall,2011,Alice teaches Solo Theater and Playwriting from Personal Experience, at The New School for Public Engagement.
Sept 22-25, 2011, Austin Lakes Spa, Austin, TX: readings and workshops, "THREE SHORT WOMEN: THREE TALL (True)TALES" Memoirists Alice Eve Cohen, Julie Metz, Nancy Bachrach
July 27-Aug 19, 2011: Fellowship at Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (3 week artist-in-residence)
July, 2011: Featured performer (music and text) for documentary film on pre-Columbian flutes and ocarinas, a project of the Museum of Natural History.
June, 2011: ENVISION RETREAT, Alice conducts arts residency with Voice and Vision Theatre Company, to develop new solo theatre work, based on WHAT I THOUGHT I KNEW
April 10, 2011,2pm, Hudson Opera House,reading "THREE SHORT WOMEN: THREE TALL (True)TALES" Memoirists Alice Eve Cohen, Julie Metz, Nancy Bachrach
Tues, March 22, 8pm, National Arts Club, Manhattan. THREE SHORT WOMEN: THREE TALL (True)TALES.Reading,discussion,signing by memoirists Alice Eve Cohen, Julie Metz, Nancy Bachrach.
March 12, 2pm, Long Beach Library."THREE SHORT WOMEN: THREE TALL (True)TALES" Reading and discussion by memoirists Alice Eve Cohen, Julie Metz, Nancy Bachrach
March 14, 7pm, Harborfields Library, Greenlawn, Long Island."THREE SHORT WOMEN: THREE TALL (True)TALES" Reading and discussion by memoirists Alice Eve Cohen, Julie Metz, Nancy Bachrach
Feb 4, 6:30pm, THE BALINESE FROG PRINCE, solo performance by Alice Eve Cohen, to benefit UNICEF. P.S. 199, 70th St between Amsterdam and WEA, NYC. For family audiences. Details TBA
EVENTS, 2010
Dec 13, Reading and discussion at Sachem Library,Long Island. "THREE SHORT WOMEN: THREE TALL (True)TALES" Memoirists Alice Eve Cohen, Julie Metz & Nancy Bachrach
Sept 4, Reading and panelist at Spencertown Book Festival, NY
Sept to Dec 2010:. Alice teaches "Playwriting from Personal Experience" and "Solo Theatre" courses at The New School, NYC.
Playwriting on Wednesday nights, 8-9:50;
Solo theatre on Thurs nights, 9-10:50
What I Thought I Knew, optioned by Lifetime for Television Movie: screenwriter, Katie Ford. Schedule TBA
June 18, 7pm. Reading at PowerHouse Arena: paperback launch party for What I Thought I Knew, Perfection, and The Center of the Universe
June 15, 6pm. Reading of new work, The Writers Room. A Writers Room event
May 25. Paperback release, What I Thought I Knew
April 10. Reading & Panel Discussion, Empire State Book Festival, Albany
March 4. Reading & Discussion, Jewish Community Center in Manhattan
March 1. Reading and Discussion with med students and faculty, Stonybrook School of Medicine
Jan 29, 6:30pm.. Solo Performance of "The Parrot" for family audiences; benefit fundraiser for UNICEF, PS 199 auditorium, 70th St between Amsterdam and West End Avenue.
2009 Events
July 11. New York Times feature article on WHAT I THOUGHT I KNEW
July 13. WHAT I THOUGHT I KNEW in bookstores.
July 13. Interview on CBS The Early Show, and CBS online.
July 13. Essay published on
July 15. Reading, signing, and reception at The Corner Bookstore, 1313 Madison Avenue (at 93rd St), NYC. 6:00pm. RSVP (212) 831-3554 or
July 20. Interview for
July-present:. 5-minute video performance WHAT I THOUGHT I KNEW on and YouTube
July 22. Interview for
July 25. Interview on Live with Lisa Radio, CT
July 29. Interview on WNYC, The Leonard Lopate Show
September:. WHAT I THOUGHT I KNEW optioned by Lifetime for a television movie
Sept 12. Teacher Workshop for TDF
Sept 14. Interview for Syrius Radio, spoken word show
Sept 15. Interview for The Hungry Reader, Mumbai, India
Sept 16. Author reading and discussion, Princeton, NJ
Sept 24. Interview for ABC News Now: Parenting with Annie Plechette Murphy
Oct 4. Author reading and discussion, Friends of the Larchmont Library, NY
Oct 5. Interview, Radio New Zealand, "Nine to Noon"
Oct 19. Reading & Performance at "Judy Blume and Friends," National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC)35th Anniversary Celebration, NYC
Oct 21. Author reading and discussion, PS 199 Diversity Book Group
Nov 1. Panelist, San Francisco Jewish Book Festival, JCC SF
Nov 7-8. Solo theatre performance, The Kitchen Theatre, Ithaca, NY
Dec 17. Reading and talk at National Arts Club, NYC
Dec Awarded Elle Lettres Grand Prix for Non-Fiction
Dec Selected by Best Books of 2009
Book Blog Tour: Click right column for reviews, interviews, & author posts.
March: WHAT I THOUGHT I KNEW is "bestseller selection" on Facebook page, "Let's Make This Book a Bestseller."